Lowongan Kerja NET. Media TV
Lowongan Kerja NET. Media TV - NET. (News and Entertainment Television) adalah sebuah stasiun televisi swasta terestrial nasional di Indonesia yang resmi diluncurkan pada 26 Mei 2013. NET. menggantikan siaran terestrial Spacetoon yang sebagian sahamnya telah diambil alih oleh Indika Group. Berbeda dengan Spacetoon yang acaranya ditujukan untuk anak-anak, program-program NET. ditujukan kepada keluarga dan pemirsa muda. NET. juga menyiarkan kontennya melalui saluran komunikasi lain seperti jejaring sosial dan YouTube. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja serta mewujudkan visi misi nya, kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja kesempatan kepada putra putri Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari NET. Media TVmelalui Rekrutmen Loker NET. Media TVsebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja NET. Media TV - PT. NET MEDIATAMA TELEVISI adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Meskipun bergerak di bidang usaha Energi & Sumberdaya di bawah bendera Indika Energy Tbk. (www.indikaenergy.com), berdirinya INDIKA dimulai dari sebuah visi untuk membangun usaha di bidang Media Hiburan dan Teknologi Informasi. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio.
Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses dimanapun.
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, NET. TV sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2016.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis terbaru bulan September 2016 dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia NET. TV (PT Net Mediatama Indonesia) di Lowongan Terbaru posisi : BANYAK POSISI LOWONGAN KERJA
Pada hari ini bulan September 2016 NET. TV (PT Net Mediatama Indonesia) kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir atau membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru bulan September 2016 untuk lulusan terbaru dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Baca Juga
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, NET. TV sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2016.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis terbaru bulan September 2016 dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia NET. TV (PT Net Mediatama Indonesia) di Lowongan Terbaru posisi : BANYAK POSISI LOWONGAN KERJA
1. Secretary to Legal Director
Key roles and responsibilities
Skills & Experience :
1. Accounting Staff
Melakukan pencatatan dan verifikasi atas segala transaksi yang terjadi dan berhubungan dengan operasional perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
Skills & Experience :
2. Budget Management Accounting Staff
Menjaga efisiensi dan menekan pengeluaran kegiatan operasional perusahaan seminimal mungkin.
Skills & Experience :
1. Collection Staff
Key roles and responsibilities
Skills & Experience :
1. News Reporter
Bertugas melakukan peliputan berita di lapangan dan melaporkannya kepada publik.
Skills & Experience :
2. News Video Journalist
Bertugas sebagai jurnalis televisi yang melakukan peliputan secara mandiri dari mulai pra produksi hingga pasca produksi.
Skills & Experience :
3. News Production Assistant
Bertugas membantu produser dalam hal pelaksanaan produksi program mulai dari perencanaan hingga tayangnya program, dari sisi teknis yang mendukung berlangsungnya pelaksanaan produksi, termasuk dalam hal-hal administrasi yang terkait didalamnya.
Skills & Experience :
4. Reporter of East Java Bureau / Bali Bureau
Responsible for news coverage and report to the public.
Skills & Experience :
5. Editor Bali / Semarang / Yogyakarta Bureau
Responsible for local news coverage of the editing process to fit the broadcast standards and decent views
Skills & Experience :
6. Junior Producer of Yogyakarta Bureau
Job Summary :
Skills & Experience :
1. On Air Promotion Graphic Designer
Responsible for graphic and animation for regular or special program according NET. concepts.
Skills & Experience :
Skills & Experience :
1. Account Executive
Mengembangkan dan memelihara hubungan dengan klien untuk mencapai sales target yang telah ditetapkan managemen.
Skills & Experience :
2. Creative Executive External
Bertanggung jawab atas penjualan konsep brand klien/ built in baik berupa iklan/ TVC, event off air dan konsep lainnya agar berjalan sesuai dengan perkembangan bisnis perusahaan.
Skills & Experience :
3. Traffic Operation
Checking advertisement order that already been put into system and saving all the documents in Traffic Department.
Skills & Experience :
4. Media Services
Skills & Experience :
1. Control Room Person
Responsible for operating Master Control devices (Video Tape Recorder / VTR; Camera Control Unit / CCU) according to the standard operation procedure.
Skills & Experience :
2. Editor
Responsible for editing all programs on NET. and evaluating with the Producers and revise if necessary.
Skills & Experience :
3. Camera Person
Responsible for preparing, operating the camera, and also developing visual creation in the production process.
Responsibilities :
Skills & Experience :
1. Talent Coordinator
Mendukung tim produksi dalam pemilihan talent yang tepat sekaligus melaksanakan proses negosiasi budget dan koordinasi dalam hal pelaksanaan produksi.
Skills & Experience :
1. IT Multimedia
Mendesain dan mengoperasikan aplikasi multimedia
Skills & Experience :
2. Transmission Operator Cirebon
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
3. Technical Support of Bali Bureau
Responsible for all the broadcast equipment from operating to maintaining.
Skills & Experience :
4. Transmission Operator Pekanbaru
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
5. Transmission Operator Makassar
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
6. Secretariat & Scheduling
Job Summary :
Key roles and responsibilites :
Skills & Experience :
1. Secretary to Legal Director
Key roles and responsibilities
- Arranging meetings; including taking a brief minute of meeting.
- Documents filling.
- Preparing business travel documents.
- Arranging internal and external memos.
- Reports directly to Legal Director.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Bachelor Degree majoring in Law / Administration from reputable university.
- GPA Min. 3.00.
- Female with maximum age 28 years old.
- Strong analytical skills and detail oriented
1. Accounting Staff
Melakukan pencatatan dan verifikasi atas segala transaksi yang terjadi dan berhubungan dengan operasional perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 28 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Jujur dan dapat dipercaya
2. Budget Management Accounting Staff
Menjaga efisiensi dan menekan pengeluaran kegiatan operasional perusahaan seminimal mungkin.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 28 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Jujur dan dapat dipercaya
1. Collection Staff
Key roles and responsibilities
- Meeting and dealing with clients to discuss the debts and payment
- Posting payments in financial system
- Reminding clients about the payment
- Supporting collection administrations
Skills & Experience :
- Experiences
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accounting from reputable university
- GPA Min. 3.00.
- Detail-oriented and a good negotiation skills
1. News Reporter
Bertugas melakukan peliputan berita di lapangan dan melaporkannya kepada publik.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 25 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
2. News Video Journalist
Bertugas sebagai jurnalis televisi yang melakukan peliputan secara mandiri dari mulai pra produksi hingga pasca produksi.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 25 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Komunikatif dan mampu mengoperasikan kamera EFP
3. News Production Assistant
Bertugas membantu produser dalam hal pelaksanaan produksi program mulai dari perencanaan hingga tayangnya program, dari sisi teknis yang mendukung berlangsungnya pelaksanaan produksi, termasuk dalam hal-hal administrasi yang terkait didalamnya.
Skills & Experience :
- Laki - laki / Perempuan maksimal usia 28 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 / D3 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
4. Reporter of East Java Bureau / Bali Bureau
Responsible for news coverage and report to the public.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male/Female with maximum age of 28 years old.
- Communicative and attractive
- Fluent in English both oral or written
- Willing to based in Surabaya, Bali
5. Editor Bali / Semarang / Yogyakarta Bureau
Responsible for local news coverage of the editing process to fit the broadcast standards and decent views
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male/Female with maximum age of 28 years old
- Creative and have a passion to work in media industry
- Familiar with editing software (Cut Pro)
- Willing to be based in Bali / Semarang / Yogyakarta.
6. Junior Producer of Yogyakarta Bureau
Job Summary :
- Directs and controls the news narrative in accordance with the rules and code of ethics of journalism that has been set.
- Evaluate and control the implementation of the work plan and projected coverage of the team that has been set
- Develop broadcast material with Head of Bureau.
- Supervise the feasibility of visual, audio, and dubbing
Skills & Experience :
- Male/Female with maximum age of 35 years old.
- Minimum 5 years experiences in broadcast
- Fluent in English both oral or written
- Willing to be based in Yogyakarta.
1. On Air Promotion Graphic Designer
Responsible for graphic and animation for regular or special program according NET. concepts.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Bachelor Degree in Visual Communication Design / Animation with minimum GPA 3.00
- On Air Promo Creative
- Responsible for developing promotion concepts and execution for current or upcoming programs
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Bachelor Degree in any major with minimum GPA 3.00
1. Account Executive
Mengembangkan dan memelihara hubungan dengan klien untuk mencapai sales target yang telah ditetapkan managemen.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 28 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Berpenampilan menarik
2. Creative Executive External
Bertanggung jawab atas penjualan konsep brand klien/ built in baik berupa iklan/ TVC, event off air dan konsep lainnya agar berjalan sesuai dengan perkembangan bisnis perusahaan.
Skills & Experience :
- Maksimal usia 28 tahun
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00, Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
- Creative dan pandai bernegosiasi, Fasih berbahasa inggris
3. Traffic Operation
Checking advertisement order that already been put into system and saving all the documents in Traffic Department.
- Accepting and checking order from Account Officer.
- Placing data order, contract, and supporting documents to system according to Purchase Order / Media Order.
- Accepting and confirming Campaign Details changes and Pre-emption Form from Account Officer and Account Executive.
Skills & Experience :
- Experience
- Graduated as Bachelor Degree of Business Administration / Accounting from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00
- fresh graduate welcome to apply)
- Detail-oriented
4. Media Services
- Making sponosorship package
- Preparing and supervised shooting for sponsorship
- Ensuring sponsorship items are delivered as offered
- Reviewing shooting result that correspond with sponsorship package
- Supporting all administration correspond with media services
Skills & Experience :
- experience
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00 / fresh graduate from any major are welcome to apply)
- Able to operate Microsoft Excel
1. Control Room Person
Responsible for operating Master Control devices (Video Tape Recorder / VTR; Camera Control Unit / CCU) according to the standard operation procedure.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Broadcasting from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00, fresh graduate from any major are welcome to apply)
- Creative and highly passionate in media industry
- Able to work individually or in a team.
2. Editor
Responsible for editing all programs on NET. and evaluating with the Producers and revise if necessary.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Broadcasting / Graphic Design from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00, fresh graduate from any major are welcome to apply)
- Creative and highly passionate in media industry
- Able to operate editing software.
3. Camera Person
Responsible for preparing, operating the camera, and also developing visual creation in the production process.
Responsibilities :
- Preparing the camera and ensure that all the devices are complete.
- Understanding the script so that the shots are according to the Producer's direction
- Operating the camera and developing visual creation.
Skills & Experience :
- Experience
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Broadcasting from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00 (fresh graduate from any major are welcome to apply)
- Creative and highly passionate in media industry
- Able to work individually or in a team.
- Kindly upload your resume, Associate/Bachelor Degree certificate, and transcripts to our website. All applications will be treated confidential and only qualified candidates will be called for test and interview.
1. Talent Coordinator
Mendukung tim produksi dalam pemilihan talent yang tepat sekaligus melaksanakan proses negosiasi budget dan koordinasi dalam hal pelaksanaan produksi.
Skills & Experience :
- Laki - laki / Perempuan maksimal usia 25 tahun, Fresh Graduate
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik, Creative dan pandai bernegosiasi, Fasih berbahasa Inggris
1. IT Multimedia
Mendesain dan mengoperasikan aplikasi multimedia
Skills & Experience :
- Laki - laki maksimal usia 28 tahun
- Lulusan S1 IT dengan IPK min. 3,00
- Mempunyai kemampuan analisis yang baik dan teliti, Menguasai PHP (Framework CI), mySQL, pemograman mobile android/iOS
2. Transmission Operator Cirebon
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male with maximum age 28 years old
- Strong analytical skills and detail oriented
- Willing to based in Cirebon
3. Technical Support of Bali Bureau
Responsible for all the broadcast equipment from operating to maintaining.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree majoring in Technic from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male with maximum age 28 years old
- Strong analytical skills and detail oriented
- Willing to be based in Bali.
4. Transmission Operator Pekanbaru
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male with maximum age 28 years old
- Strong analytical skills and detail oriented
- Willing to based in Pekanbaru
5. Transmission Operator Makassar
Responsible for broadcasting system maintenance and ensuring all the broadcasting programs on NET. runs well in transmission stations across Indonesia.
Skills & Experience :
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00)
- Male with maximum age 28 years old
- Strong analytical skills and detail oriented
- Willing to based in Makassar
6. Secretariat & Scheduling
Job Summary :
- Responsible for administration in two divisions, Technic and Services.
Key roles and responsibilites :
- Making EO Editing & Report for studio schedule & production activities
- Supporting administration for all requests (Good Request, Advance Request)
- Supporting administration for expansion project
Skills & Experience :
- Experiences
- Graduated as Associate or Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Administration from reputable university (GPA Min. 3.00).
- Have a good basic Microsoft Office
- Detail-oriented
Catatan :
- Pendaftaran loker NET. TV terakhir : September 2016
Bagaimana anda tertarik bekerja di NET. TV ....?
Jika anda tertarik dengan loker hari ini bulan September 2016 ini yaitu yang memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang : Lowongan Kerja Terbaru NET. TV (PT Net Mediatama Indonesia), Silahkan kirimkan berkas Lamaran Kerja beserta kelengkapannya via ONLINE ke alamat berikut ini:
Sumber : Loker NET. TV
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