Lowongan Kerja NET TV Intership Program February 2019
Rekrutmen.NET Lowongan NET. (singkatan dari News and Entertainment Television) adalah sebuah stasiun televisi swasta terestrial nasional di Indonesia yang didirikan pada 18 Mei 2013 dan resmi diluncurkan pada 26 Mei 2013. NET. menggantikan siaran terestrial Spacetoon yang sebagian sahamnya telah diambil alih oleh Indika Group. Berbeda dengan Spacetoon yang acaranya ditujukan untuk anak-anak, program-program NET. ditujukan kepada keluarga dan pemirsa muda.
Selain melalui jaringan terestrial, NET. juga menyiarkan kontennya melalui saluran komunikasi lain seperti jejaring sosial dan YouTube.
Hi All!
We're currently looking for competent and talented Students in the fields of :
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from all Communication/ Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Having interested in social media and digital platform
5. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (MARKETING) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Visual Communication Design/ Communication major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (EDITOR) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
4. Portfolio
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Communication/ Journalism major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (NEWS PA) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from any major (Preferbaly majoring Pscyhology)
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (HUMAN RESOURCES) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Accounting/ Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from March 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (BMA) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Economy/ Accounting/ Financial Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from March 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (FINANCE) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
All aplications will be treated confidentially and only qualified candidates will be called for test and interview. Source : http://career.netmedia.co.id/
Selain melalui jaringan terestrial, NET. juga menyiarkan kontennya melalui saluran komunikasi lain seperti jejaring sosial dan YouTube.
Baca Juga
We're currently looking for competent and talented Students in the fields of :
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from all Communication/ Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Having interested in social media and digital platform
5. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (MARKETING) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Visual Communication Design/ Communication major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (EDITOR) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
4. Portfolio
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Communication/ Journalism major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (NEWS PA) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from any major (Preferbaly majoring Pscyhology)
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from February 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (HUMAN RESOURCES) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Accounting/ Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from March 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (BMA) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
1. Male/ Female
2. Still registered as an active student and preferably in the final year of study from Economy/ Accounting/ Financial Management major
3. Highly motivated and willing to learn
4. Available to undertake the program from March 2019 – April 2019 (full time)
Please submit documents below to our email internship@netmedia.co.id before February 15th 2019 with (FINANCE) + (YOUR NAME) as a subject :
1. Resume
2. Ceritificates and transcript
3. Essay Letter (500-1000 words essay ilustrating about yourself and reason why you are interested to join internship in NET.)
All aplications will be treated confidentially and only qualified candidates will be called for test and interview. Source : http://career.netmedia.co.id/
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